Saturday, May 7, 2016

Marriage and Family Intro

The family is the most important thing in the world. As Will Durant stated, "[It] is the nucleus of civilization." And this could not be more true. It is within families that children learn, grow, and develop. Families provide the support and guidance a child needs as he or she goes throughout life and all its twists and turns. Parents play a vital role in their children's lives; they are the role models, teachers, and caretakers of the next generation. Recently, the family has come under attack, and fewer people are realizing the importance and of having a family and children. Going along with the previous quote, The Family: A Proclamation to the World states, "We warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets." The family is a fundamental part of society -- but also, on a more personal note, it's fundamental to a child's life.
I am blessed to have two wonderful parents, two lovable siblings (well, most of the time), and a large extended family. We are all very close, and we have -- and always will be -- there for each other. I am especially close to my mother, and with Mother's day being tomorrow, I feel it is appropriate to talk a little bit about her and the huge role she plays in my life. According to the System Theory discussed in my Family Relation's class, the family is made up of systems and subsystems: each person has their role in the family. And it's how these systems work and interact that can create a successful family. It's true when people say that a mother does a work of twenty for free. She has so many roles to fulfill, and one of them is being the glue for our family. She brings and holds us together, and makes us stronger as a whole. I'm constantly learning from my mother, and I am incredibly grateful for her example to me and my siblings. Today, we went to a painting class together and painted peacocks. It was such a fun girl's night and funny memories were created as we tried our best to make our peacocks look more like peacocks and not dinosaurs. And while we were there, I kept thinking about how important moms are in a child's life and the influence they have. So not only was tonight fun, but it also gave me a greater love and appreciation for my mom. Just like how families are the nucleus of civilization, moms (and dads) are the nucleus of the family.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry the picture is a little dark. I swear it looks better in person.
