Saturday, June 18, 2016

Sex in Marriage

Continuing with the topic of marriage, it’s only natural that sex is brought up. The level of satisfaction of sexual intimacy is a good predictor of how successful a marriage is; it’s a reflection of the rest of the relationship. There are other factors that therapists consider, but I’m focusing on this for my blog post.

Everywhere I go, it seems like “sex” is a dirty word and it’s something that is never really talked about. People seem to sweep the topic under a mat to avoid any awkwardness and inappropriateness. But is this really healthy? Sex is not a bad thing. In my own opinion, I think the action of love-making is a very sacred and beautiful experience that should be saved for marriage. It’s something that you and your spouse get to discover together, and it also bonds you together. There’s an analogy that I heard and would like to share: It’s your wedding day. Everything so far has been perfect. There ceremony is over and the reception is just about over. But towards the end of your reception, a gift is delivered to you and your spouse. The gift is from your very wealthy aunt. Now this aunt – on top of being unbelievably wealthy – is also very stylish and has amazing taste. Unfortunately, she could not make it to your wedding, so she sends this beautiful gift instead. Now, this gift is bea-u-ti-ful. The wrapping is perfectly done, and the bow is big and gorgeous, and overall, the gift looks like it’s going to be amazing. How would you and your spouse approach this gift? I think most of us would approach it very carefully, talking the time to slowly unwrap the gift together. It’s the same with sex. Sex is a beautiful thing that is discovered slowly, and together. Take the time to figure out what’s best for the two of you, and know that there is no reason to rush – you have the rest of your lives to wrap a beautiful and sacred thing.

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